
Activated Wellbeing and Danielle

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“2020 was a wake up call for many things for us all to reflect upon.

Our wellbeing and quality of life on all levels, individually and as a society, is being brought into the spotlight”

- Danielle Roberts, Nutritionist and Wellbeing Advisor


Activated Wellbeing’s Senior Nutritionist and Wellbeing Advisor, Danielle Roberts, guides you to greater avenues of change that enhance your health and wellbeing, that are attainable and sustainable. She understands that true health and vitality of the physical is largely affected by the state of the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your being.

Danielle’s passion is to educate, inspire, and motivate you to heal, become empowered, embrace vitality, and be happy in life.

The essence of Activated Wellbeing and Danielle’s passion are intertwined they are essentially one in the same.

Danielle, in her early 20’s had her own health battles which essentially put her on the path to desiring to help others. At university she received a BSc double majoring in Human Nutrition and Animal Science. She since then she has sent the past 10 years working with people from various backgrounds and health concerns.

Danielle has also in that time dedicated herself to further learning and discovery of different areas of health such as mental and spiritual to offer people other avenues of wellbeing. This is because during her time as a Nutritionist she discovered that a lot of health issues stem from deep avenues than the physical only.

What is offered to her clients is not a guaranteed fix to health issues (nor does she claim to be able to fix people), however, it is guidance that is to help people to reach higher pathways of health that they can work with at their own pace based on their own lifestyle needs.

If you desire to understand more about Danielle’s professional background she is happy to speak with anyone who has questions, so please feel free to click the button below to chat with her.