Health Coaching

We believe to be truly well-nourished means to address all facets of your health and wellbeing.

Many only still focus on the physical part, and yet by the time they have a physical issue it is usually because another area (or more) is out of balance.

Many are unable to tell when something is wrong on the other levels because they have lost the awareness, intuition, and connection to stop an issue from reaching the physical body.

You will find that it will try to gain your attention (through pain or illness), because this is the only way it believes it can communicate with you, so that you can finally do something about it.

For far too long we have only focused on our physical health and it hasn’t got us very far in regards to solving many of the health issues we now face in society. It is time for the era of change to begin.

Health Coaching

Sometimes we need a support person to keep us accountable and keep us on track.

This approach is ideal for those who want to receive encouragement, motivation and inspiration, supporting them as they get back on track with their health and wellbeing aspirations.

It may be solely nutrition related for those who struggle with good eating habits and patterns i.e. emotional eating or binge eating. Or it may be more general wellbeing guidance, for motivation, movement recommendations, and support to achieve their ideal lifestyle.

This is also ideal for those who have already started to make changes to their nutrition but need some extra guidance to take them to the next level of their health goals, or to pull them out of a plateau.

If motivation and support is what you are after you may also be interested in the stress management programmes as often stress is a huge contributor as to why someone lacks motivation or confidence.

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Once you have the Wellbeing Management Questionnaire downloaded please fill out the form below with your details, the subject line Wellbeing Management Questionnaire results and in the message section please add in your answers to the quiz with the corresponding numbered questions i.e. Q1. 3, Q. 5, Q. 1, Q. 2